Love Heart Vase Grow Kit

Sale price$9.95

The Love Heart Vase Grow Kit is the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, or any special occasion. Each kit includes a heart-shaped vase, a magic bean with hidden message, and a soil pellet. Simply plant the bean, and in 7-10 days, a love message will grow.

There are four love-filled messages – “L.O.V.E”, “LOVE YOU”, “HUGS”, and “KISSES” – to surprise and delight someone special. This charming, creative gift is perfect for partners, family, or friends, making it a thoughtful gesture that grows with love.

The message label can be easily removed from the packaging, allowing the gift giver to know the message but keeping it a surprise for the gift recipient.

Note: Designs are selected at random. If multiple kits are ordered, we'll aim to send a mix of the available messages.

SKU: 9736

Our Guarantee

Quality is paramount to our business, our seeds and bulbs undergo germination and growth tests before being offered for sale to ensure they comply with our strict quality standards. Through this knowledge we guarantee that all of our seeds and bulbs will grow, providing peace of mind that if they do not grow we will send you a replacement.

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