Lettuce Mixed Salad Leaves

800 seeds

Lactuca sativa

Sale price$4.55

This delicious lettuce seed mix forms the basis of the traditional Mediterranean-style green salad. Individual salad leaves are picked when very young, before any hearts develop, allowing the plants to continue producing fresh leaves in their place. Featuring a diverse blend of different varieties, these lettuce seeds will bring a variety of colours, textures and flavours to your garden and dining table. 

Perfect for home gardeners and salad lovers, our lettuce mixed salad leaves are easy to grow and care for, whether sown in garden beds or grown in pots as container garden seeds. Sow successionally to enjoy a continual harvest of tasty baby salad leaves throughout the growing season. 

Plant alongside Mr Fothergill’s range of herb seeds and edible flower seeds for your very own home-grown gourmet salad, or add a superfood boost with our sprouts and microgreens seeds!

SKU: 5329

Our Guarantee

Quality is paramount to our business, our seeds and bulbs undergo germination and growth tests before being offered for sale to ensure they comply with our strict quality standards. Through this knowledge we guarantee that all of our seeds and bulbs will grow, providing peace of mind that if they do not grow we will send you a replacement.

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