Bonsai Starter Kit - Jacaranda

Jacaranda mimosifolia

Sale price$15.00

Growing bonsai from seed is a very rewarding experience, giving you 100% control from the earliest stages of growth. With this handy kit, you’ll have everything you need to grow your very own Blue Jacaranda bonsai tree at home – a perfect choice for less experienced gardeners to start on their bonsai-growing journey.

The Blue Jacaranda is a showstopper, with gorgeous purple-blue flowers that add elegance to any collection.  As a bonsai, Blue Jacaranda will need trimming to maintain its shape. A light prune will help it stay neat and encourage more branching for a fuller, healthier tree.

This bonsai seed kit includes four biodegradable pots, soil pellets, Blue Jacaranda seeds, and a growing manual with comprehensive instructions.

Also available at Bunnings and other leading garden retailers nationwide.

For more fun home and indoor gardening projects, why not explore our other all-in-one grow kits? We also have a great range of gardening gifts for plant enthusiasts!

SKU: 6651

Our Guarantee

Quality is paramount to our business, our seeds and bulbs undergo germination and growth tests before being offered for sale to ensure they comply with our strict quality standards. Through this knowledge we guarantee that all of our seeds and bulbs will grow, providing peace of mind that if they do not grow we will send you a replacement.

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