Australian Wildflowers Mix

1000 Seeds

Sale price$5.75

Botanical Name: According to season and availability this mixture has been blended from Billy Button (Pycnosorus globosus), Everlasting Dwarf Mix (Rhodanthe manglesii), Golden Everlasting (Xerochrysum bracteatum), Kangaroo Paw (Angioanthos manglesii), Pink Everlasting (Schoenia cassiniana), Purple Flag (Patersonia occidentalis, Swan River Daisy (Brachycome iberidifolia) and White Strawflower (Helichrysum macranthum).

A beautiful mix of our native wildflowers.

We hope you enjoy these Wildflower seeds, just another great example of seeds from Mr Fothergill’s!

SKU: 5174

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Quality is paramount to our business, our seeds and bulbs undergo germination and growth tests before being offered for sale to ensure they comply with our strict quality standards. Through this knowledge we guarantee that all of our seeds and bulbs will grow, providing peace of mind that if they do not grow we will send you a replacement.

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