Thyme Creeping

Botanical Name: Thymus vulgaris

500 seeds
Availability: In stock

Same great flavour as traditional thyme with small flowers rich in nectar for pollinators. Hardy aromatic groundcover, tolerant of hot and dry conditions. Ideal for between stepping stones, rockeries and pots. 

We hope you enjoy these herb seeds, just another great example of  vegetable seeds from Mr Fothergill’s!

Product Specifications
How To Grow

Sow in clumps 30cm (1’) apart, 5mm (¼”) deep and cover with seed raising mix. Thyme likes a warm, sunny position and
a well-drained soil. Pick the leaves as required throughout the year. If they are to be dried, gather them just before the
flowers begin to open. Seedlings emerge in 14-21 days.

When to Sow/Plant Spring, Autumn, Winter
Soil Type well drained

Our Seed Guarantee

If you are not completely satisfied with these seeds Mr. Fothergill's will gladly replace them for free. Performance subject to growing conditions.

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